7 Creative Ways to Make a More Relaxing Bedroom

Houston Premium Homes Realty Group Real estate

If you’re looking to make your home a more restful and relaxing place in the upcoming year, the bedroom is an incredibly important area in your home to get started.

The bedroom is the place where you retreat at the end of the day. At its best, a bedroom is a sanctuary for privacy and a paradise from the rest of the world. It’s a place to escape and unwind from stress. Of course, bedrooms also have many other purposes, especially these days during the pandemic. They’re office spaces, media rooms, study halls, and storage areas — all of these functions that can, unfortunately, bring the stress of the day into what is supposed to be your den of solitude.

So, what can you do to regain this important space as a room for rest and relaxation? Here are seven great and easy ideas for a more relaxing bedroom to take into 2021 and in the future:

1.) Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is based around the idea that certain scents can activate certain feelings — including calm and relaxation. To help make your bedroom a more relaxing and regenerative space, consider bringing in your favorite calming smells. This might mean spritzing a lavender oil spray before bed; filling the space with jasmine; chamomile, or sage oil diffusers; lighting your favorite gently scented candles; or filling the room with your favorite natural greenery and houseplants, such as eucalyptus or roses.

2.) Refresh Your Bed Sheets and Pillows

You know the old saying that humans spend about a third of our lives sleeping? Well, it turns out that it’s true. With that in mind, make sleeping easier by keeping your bedding fresh, clean and functional as possible.

For example, when was the last time you replaced your pillows? The National Sleep Foundation recommends replacing your pillows every one to two years for optimum sleep quality. Similarly, this organization recommends replacing your mattress approximately every eight years.

In the meantime, there are lots of little ways to keep your bed feeling soft, comforting, and luxurious. Regularly wash your linens, and swap them out on a regular basis to keep things feeling and smelling fresh. Invest in comfortable, high-quality sheets. Use lighter sheets in the summer, and heavier materials for the fall and winter. Consider your ideal sleep style and look for supports or mattress toppers to help provide a softer or firmer feel.

3.) Declutter Your Bedroom

Studies have shown that living in environments with lots of clutter actually makes you more likely to feel stressed, and to make less healthy choices due to stress. To make the most of your bedroom each night, keep it clean and tidy. Organize smart to declutter the room — including your dressers and closets — determining what you want to keep, what should be thrown away, and what you can donate or give away. Look into chic and functional storage for the items that you decide to keep. The more you can keep visually distracting clutter out of sight, the easier it may be to get a good night’s rest in your home.

4.) Make Your Bedside Table Into a Sleep Station

You’ve settled into bed at the end of a long day. You’re finally getting comfy, and can feel sleep coming on. And then? You realize you’re thirsty, but don’t have a glass of water nearby. Nothing is more irritating than having to get up out of bed once you’ve gotten settled. To avoid this nightly inconvenience, use your bedside table as a sleep staging station, and use it to strategically store everything you’ll need for a restful night sleep within arm’s reach — such as a glass of water, your favorite aromatherapy machine, an eye mask, or ear plugs.

5.) Pick Calming Colors

Color can be used to tell a story and activate our emotions — including feeling a sense of peace and calm. With this in mind, many of the major paint and design brands have introduced calming and soothing shades as their colors of the year for 2021.

Generally speaking, design experts advise against using colors that are overly loud or busy in the bedroom. Instead, focus on neutral shades of white, gray, and blue; earthy tones of light green; or pleasant, muted pastels for your walls, bedding, and bedroom accessories.

6.) Choose Soothing Lighting

When you picture a relaxing bedroom, do you see harsh, bright, overhead lighting, or more soothing lights? While bright lighting can be great for increasing productivity during the workday, it can make it harder to relax and unwind at the end of the night at home. For this reason, design experts generally recommend embracing soft white LED bulbs and ambient lighting. If it’s possible, consider using a dimmer switch or lamps with multiple settings, so you can set the lighting higher or lower as needed. Invest in quality soundproof curtains that help block out light and protect your ears from the outside noise.

7.) Divide Your Space

If your bedroom is currently serving double- or even triple-duty as your Zoom studio or workout space, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, spending so much time working in the bedroom can make it harder to see this space as a relaxing one when it’s time to unwind and relax. You can make it easier to transition into your sleep mode by clearly separating your work space from your sleeping space. If it’s possible, try separating your bedroom into different zones with colors or décor choices. Try not to get into the habit of working from bed, and consider storing your laptop or phone in a separate room to help you unplug at the end of the night.

Making the Most of Your Time at Home

Whether it’s now serving as a school, office, playground, or workout space, our home has never been more important. We know this is as well as anyone. At Houston Premium Homes Realty Group, Houston has been our home oasis since 2019.

Looking for new ideas to make the most of your space? Ready to start your search for a new home in the months ahead? Whatever your real estate goals may be, we got you — and we’re here to help make things easier, at every step of the way.